Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"This is going to be the worst day ever!"

It was Simchat Torah yesterday and lucky for the kids another day off school.  It was also the last day of Della's visit so we decided to take advantage of what New York has to offer us.  After a quick search on Time Out Kids NY, our day was planned - the new Picasso Black and White exhibition at the Guggenheim, followed by Hansel and Gretel's Halloween Adventure at the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre in Central Park.
One problem though was that on hearing what Della and I had planned, the boys cried "This is going to be the worst day ever!' We had our work cut out for us.  Long faces, tears and feet dragging - we left for the Guggenheim.
Sam and Claudia fell in love with all the weird shapes and Picasso's style.  They spent the hour lying in front of the paintings, copying and drawing.  The other 2 were no happier than when we started!
Next up was the Marionette theatre, a gorgeous old cottage set in the middle of Central Park.  Unfortunately the show was not as exciting or enjoyable as I was hoping - goes to show not all kids entertainment in NY is great!
So, it wasn't the 'worst day ever!' but it wasn't the best. But it was still better than doing nothing and we had a fun day out!

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