Monday, October 8, 2012

'Fancy' theatre for little people

While we have been living here, we have tried to take advantage of all the cultural experiences on offer in New York, having seen a number of Broadway shows, Coldplay, ballet and opera.  Today I opted for Theatre for the youngest member of our family. Claudia and I went to see 'Fancy Nancy, the Musical' at the Vital Theatre with 2 of Claudia's friends, Emmy and Zion.
It was a short walk from our place to 75th and Broadway where many little girls were dressed up in their fanciest outfits to see one of their favorite characters, Fancy Nancy.  Claudia was especially excited as we have been reading the books each night for months now.

The show was great, the girls loved it. Each bought a momento of the show and had their programs signed by the cast.  They were most excited to have a photo with Fancy Nancy. We really had a wonderful time!

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